Zevenwacht conservation

Conservation & Sustainability

Environmental management and conservation is a high priority at Zevenwacht and is included in our daily management and long term strategy.


Removal of invasive alien vegetation, the protection of precious natural flora and fauna and the maintenance of sensitive water areas is ongoing.

Our Estate complies with the international wine industry environmental sustainability criteria of the Integrated Production of Wine (IPW) with guidelines which promote environmentally friendly production methods as well as land and vine management methods.

Some 80ha, approximately 15% of Zevenwacht land, is a protected conservation area, with a diversity of approximately 150-200 species of flora within the Renosterveld Conservancy, as well as a host of small mammals and bird-life.
For more information about the Bottelary Hills Renosterveld Conservancy go to:

Zevenwacht, as a member of the Bottelary Hills Conservancy, is actively involved in efforts to preserve our natural floral heritage known as Renosterveld, for the enjoyment of future generations. The Renosterveld family forms part of the world-famous Cape Floral Kingdom. While not as well-known as Fynbos, it is often mistaken for it. One of the main differences between Renosterveld and Fynbos is the fact that Renosterveld grows on nutrient rich soils, while Fynbos is found on higher ground, inhabiting areas with little nutrients. What makes Renosterveld so spectacular are the hidden gems which only flower for short periods during the year mainly from August to October.

The flowers of this veld type are truly magnificent and form part of the Capes amazing variety of bulbs and wildflowers. Zevenwacht has realized that its Renosterveld conservancy is of great importance for the continued conservation and promotion of this remarkable plant family. Approximately 70% of the Renosterveld that still exists, occurs on private land.

The Bottelary Hills Conservancy was awarded UNESCO Biodiversity “Hot Spot” status and incorporated into the Boland Biosphere Reserve, which is regarded as a World Heritage Site.



Environmental management has been extended to a new solar panel installation on the cellar roof of 884 panels. The solar panels were installed early in 2021 and is part of our efforts to spare the environment by cutting down on the dependency on fossil fuels as supplied by Eskom. The energy supplies nearly all the power required by the farm. Further expansion is planned.